Research Activities
The Nuclear Physics Laboratory (NPL) was founded in
1976 by Professor
Panayotis Assimakopoulos.
Today, the
NPL includes today 5 faculty staff members, as well as a number
of graduate students and associate
research fellows.
The research activities of the NPL
are in the field of experimental nuclear physics,
with focus on fundamental and applied research (nuclear structure,
nuclear reactions, environmental studies). Experiments
are performed at the
Nuclear Research Centre
Demokritos in Athens, as well as in big
European facilities like Ganil,
Legnaro, Catania and
CERN. Applied research is
performed at the local laboratory of Ioannina.
NPL is one of the regional laboratories participating
in the Xenocrates National Emergency Plan for radiation protection.
The facilities of the NPL are located on the third floor of the Physics Building on the University of
Ioannina campus. They cover approximately 400 m2 of office
and laboratory space. The experimental facilities include three gamma
spectrometer stations, one alpha and beta - spectrometer system and an XRF microanalysis laboratory. Experimental
work at the NPL is supported by a chemical processing laboratory and
extensive local and remote computer capabilities.
The staff of the NPL supports the teaching of basic
undergraduate courses offered by the Department of Physics. It also
offers elective undergraduate and post-graduate courses in Nuclear
Physics, Nuclear Experimentation and Nuclear Applications. Senior
undergraduate research projects and research work leading to the
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees is also carried out at the
NPL facilities under the supervision of
members of the NPL staff.