
Research Activities
Report 2000-2010




Nikolaos G. Nicolis


Interdisciplinary Publications - Editorials

Conference proceedings


1.       The role of Platonic and Archimedean solids in the design of multidetector systems in nuclear physics, N.G. Nicolis, Proceedings of the 8th Joint Conference of the Physics Society of Greece and Cyprus, January 17-19, 2003, Kalamata, Greece.


2.       Polyhedral designs of detection systems for nuclear physics studies, N.G. Nicolis, Joint Meeting of ISAMA 2003 and the 6th Annual BRIDGES Conference, University of Granada, Spain, July 23-25, 2003




1.       Preface for the book “The Astronomy of Ancient Greeks” by E. Spandagos, Aethra Editions, Athens (2004). ISBN 960-8333-08-3.


2.       “Einstein and the Atomic Bomb”, Eleftherotypia Newspaper, (E-Ιστορικά), May 20, 2004.


3.       “Einstein and the Photoelectric Effect”, Eleftherotypia Newspaper, (E-Ιστορικά), October 6, 2005.


4.       “The Physics Works of Galileo”, Eleftherotypia Newspaper, (E-Ιστορικά), February 2, 2006.


5.       “The Discovery of Radium and Polonium by the Curie Couple”, Eleftherotypia Newspaper, (E-Ιστορικά), April 20, 2006.


6.       “The principles of Mechanics and Newton’s Optics”, Eleftherotypia Newspaper, (E-Ιστορικά), June 22, 2006.  


Last update: May 14, 2008